Energa-Operator is replacing old prepaid meters
Energa-Operator will replace 85,000 prepaid meters with remote ones. The new prepaid devices are user-friendly and can be topped up in three ways, including through a smartphone. Users will also gain new features, such as real-time energy consumption monitoring.
The biggest change noticeable at first glance is the absence of the traditional keypad used to enter the "energy code." It has been replaced by three new methods that allow for easy and quick topping up of the meter. The primary way to enter the code into the meter is through two available navigation buttons. Additional options include the remote control provided to the customer during installation and the Android smartphone application.
Energa-Operator customers who already have a remote reading meter installed, including the prepaid function, can analyze their electricity consumption in detail, such as for specific days and hours, using the "Mój Licznik" app available on the website: https://energa-operator.pl/infrastruktura/liczniki-zdalnego-odczytu/ami and in a mobile version.
There are 85,000 prepaid meters installed in the Energa-Operator network. By the end of 2026, all of them will be replaced.
A prepaid meter is a type of electricity meter that operates on a pre-paid basis, meaning energy is supplied after it has been purchased in advance. For individuals who carefully monitor their household budgets, it provides full control over electricity expenses. The meter only allows users to consume as much energy as their household budget permits during a given period. Customers can exchange their traditional meter for a prepaid one by completing the application form available on the website: https://energa-operator.pl/formularz-zgloszeniowy under the "Pozostałe zgłoszenia" tab.
The only such meter in Poland
The model of the new remote reading meter with a prepaid function was jointly developed by Energa-Operator and Apator SA, whose collaboration on prepaid meters dates back to 1997.
"Thanks to the immense dedication from both sides, an innovative, one-of-a-kind meter has been created in Poland, which meets all the necessary requirements. The device will simultaneously be a remote reading meter with communication via the power line (PLC) and will offer the option to use the prepaid function," says Łukasz Głowacki, Metering Management Expert at Energa-Operator.
In the future (when the Central Energy Market Information System – CSIRE is launched), it will be possible to disable the current prepaid function, and the devices will operate as classic remote reading meters with PLC communication and the option to use substitute GSM communication. The introduction of CSIRE paves the way for new billing methods, including prepaid options offered by energy suppliers, available to any customer who already has a remote reading meter installed. Energa-Operator has already installed over 2.9 million such meters, which accounts for 86% of its customers.
Source: https://energa-operator.pl/